Editor's ChoiceGAME FEATURES...

Games Description
Clouds are gathering over the most notorious terrorists . It's time to pay the bills. Brigade steel monsters Su-30 is already headed for their most secret camps and shelters . Very soon, a tropical island paradise , which gave shelter to the murderers and thugs of all stripes turn into a blazing inferno . And by no means impossible to stop just retribution .
Features SU- 30 :
12 levels of incessant gunfire and explosions ;
combat operations from the tropics to the South Pole ;
huge three-dimensional structure of destructible ;
great story , the most diverse set of military equipment , opponents on the ground, in the air and in the ocean ;
high quality graphics ;
exciting gameplay .
At the helm of invincible fighters are true professionals who are at risk to fight with an army , and ready to pursue the enemy across the world as long as it will not be wiped out .
Su-30 - it's time to put an end to global terrorism .
Download Instructions:
This installation guide is for all mobile phone users ...
Installing Game :
1) Download game link that you like below
2) transfer the file in your memory card in the Games directory
3) browse on the phone
4) install
5) Play
Installing Game Using card rider :
1) Download game link below
2) input phone memory card memory card reader and connect the pc
3) copied the files on the PC to the memory card in the Games directory
or other
4) and install it wait a while:
Alternate Game Installation using pc bluetooth
1) Download game file under
2) transfer the file using pc bluetooth to phone bluetooth
3) after transfer select go on phone
4) install
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